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HomePamátkyPřírodaThe Breeding Centre of European Bison

The Breeding Centre of European Bison


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In Breeding Centre of European Bison tourists can observe bison’s family on a specially designated area. The unique chance to see bisons so close to Warszawa.
In Smardzewice – Ksiaz there is a famous centre of breeding bisons (zubry) named after Polish president Ignacy Moscicki. Initially American bisons were bred here – the first 4 animals were imported as far as Canada as a gift for president of the II Republic of Poland – Ignacy Moscicki from Polish residents in Canada. Since 1936 bisons brought from Bialowieza have been bred in the centre. At present, 15 bisons reside in the centre. Tourists can observe bison’s family on a specially designated area. The centre reports to the Management of Kampinowski National Park. Smardewice are located near Tomaszow Mazowiecki abot 60 km from Warszawa.

localization-imgMapa umístění:

Tomanka street 9
97-213 Smardzewice
Provincie: ŁÓDZKIE
Zeměpisné šířky a délky: 51.472,20.024444
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